Where the Service and Learning Go Hand in Hand

We are excited to announce our partnership with Incredible Days! We have New Haven, CT and Providence, RI sites available!

Plan A Trip

Ready to sign up? Click here!   


Camp Locations

A list of our locations near and far! 


Site Details

Detailed information on each SLC site


Our Team

The people who make it all work!


Important Info At A Glance

Full Week Cost:
A full week (five nights) is $195 per person. Registered groups guarantee at least 12 participants, including adults; beyond that groups only pay for those who attend the camp. 

Partial Week Cost:
Based on number of nights. Registered groups guarantee at least 12 participants, including adults; beyond that groups only pay for those who attend the camp. 

To Reserve Space:
Once your trip request is confirmed, groups are asked to send a $800 deposit. 60 days prior to the scheduled camp, payment in full is due.  

Site Locations
Twin Cities, MN Duluth, MN The North Shore, MN Rochester, MN Toledo, OH Detroit, MI Milwaukee, WI Nashville, TN Chicago, IL Salt Lake City, UT Denver and Boulder, CO San Francisco, CA Phoenix and Flagstaff, AZ Portland, OR Northwest AR Northern IL Albuquerque, NM